Archive | January, 2010

MoMA Part Two

30 Jan

After the Tim Burton exhibit, we visited the galleries on the other floors.  

Red lights are always so eerie... hold my hand and I'll be okay






This is a sac...












This is L’Otto Dix. He is a throat specialist. He has lots of friends.





Tim Burton Exhibit at MoMA

30 Jan

To stand in front of the wrinkled scraps of paper bled over by the hand of an insanely genius artist like Tim Burton was more than enough to take my breath away. There’s something about seeing art in person that makes you feel this ineffable sense of awe. It was one of those moments where you feel like you never want to leave for fear of missing something even though you know that nothing new would happen, nothing new would be shown, you just wanted to be there and see all that you had already been looking at for the past while. I’m also forever grateful for having had the opportunity to go to New York to see the exhibit so thank you bebe for such an amazing present!  So, here they are, the pictures taken from the exhibit that left me so hysterically happy!

Gabriel Orozco


The first thing that happened when I got to the exhibit…I got yelled at for taking pictures…over and over again. Clearly the sign can be read as “No, photography!”

Watching videos of  Stainboy as you walk down the corridor leading into the exhibit.


Robot Boy

Who knew that a character who scared me as a little girl would become someone I love so much!

A chronology of Tim Burton films leading up to 2010’s Alice in Wonderland.

All Tied Up

10 Jan

You’re my muse, i’ll love you always bebe

10 Jan

I am forever a grumpy little girl…

10 Jan


10 Jan


10 Jan

dok dok dok dok dokdok dok dok….


10 Jan

mouths of faces I haven’t drawn

Open Eyes

10 Jan


10 Jan