Archive | September, 2011

Today is orientation day!

19 Sep

So today is the day I find out what my life for the next year will be like. And before I head off tonight, I’ll lay out what I think it’ll be like and see how close I come. For my schedule, I’m hoping for night classes. I hate mornings and they tend to hate me too. Early mornings usually begin with me in a flurry of disorientation and bed headedness. As for books, I love with all my heart a brand new stack of shiny text books but in the end, it’s usually a lot of money for something that goes untouched.  Okay that’s all for now, I’m squeezing too hard for words to come out and nothing’s coming… So, hopefully I can say goodbye to little old office spaces where I sit and grow mold all day and say hello to little old office spaces where I sit and do something that means a little more to me.