Archive | April, 2012

A little past and present

14 Apr

Seeing as how I’ve been on break for about a week, I thought I’d maintain my Illustrator skills by revisiting some old doodles prior to taking this program. It has a pretty different feel I think and although I’m glad I’m capable of using this digital medium, I still have an undying appreciation for things done by hand. 



In my world…

6 Apr

There are times that the simplest things make me laugh. I would love if this situation were true to life.


Create your own robot

5 Apr


Because sometimes the future is confusing!

Infographic: Horror Films Through the Decades

4 Apr

Vector Portrait of Vincent Price

4 Apr


Live paint in Illustrator.

Typography Poster of Alfred Hitchcock

4 Apr


We all have one

4 Apr

So hopefully, we all have someone or something that we can consider the reason for us being here, wherever here might be. For me, it started when I was young, scouring the wall of movies in my dad’s grocery store. Nightmare Before Christmas was so disturbing but I had to watch it every so often. It wasn’t until I was older that it became something I’d obsess over so much! Tim Burton is so amazing to me so naturally he’d turn up in one of my projects somewhere along the way!


Much has happened since Orientation Day!

4 Apr

Needless to say, life has been quite busy since my last post. And this is meant in the best possible way! So here’s a number of projects in somewhat of a chronological order that have been keeping me so blissfully occupied.

This was a cover for a poster book of the 7 elements of design that I did in First Term. 
Done with water colours and a cut-paper overlay.


Geometric shapes. Water colours and cut paper.

 High contrast. Cut paper. 



Scale and Proportion with a fairy tale theme.


And lastly, sports themed poster using warm and cool colour palettes.

So what did I learn that first term. That we have an amazing capacity to get things done! Sometimes at the expense of your health and sanity but some things are definitely worth the sacrifice. And more importantly, it was a lesson in not freaking out. If we just stop to breathe and give ourselves a chance to process things, we’re so much more efficient and better able to control ourselves in the end.